Website Contribution

Website Contribution

thank you to those that contributed to the site

This website was made from scratch. That means that no code templates were used and no content management systems are installed. Also, the applications that you can download here were created from scratch as well. And that takes time and energy.

Web 2.0 style icons. Originally we had some horribly ugly icons on this site for the “download now” buttons. But thanks to the freely available icon set at we now have a bunch of shiny new icons to play with. Thank you, WebAppers for creating such a sweet set of icons, and allowing anyone to use them, royalty-free.

snap{css} an open-source css editor for windows

snap{css} an open-source css editor for windows

do you code by hand?

To those of you that use notepad for your CSS files, we get it. It gives you greater control over your design, doesn’t add bloat code to your stylesheets, and doesn’t add a bunch of features that you never use to the interface.

why use snap{css}?

snap{css} is an extremely lightweight, notepad-like application that allows CSS designers to easily edit their code in a familiar environment while having quick access to helpful features such as our beautify and collapse functions.

the collapse code function

When your code has been revised enough, and you’re ready to slap your files on the internet, any quality web developer should start taking the anticipated user experience into consideration. While broadband internet is sweeping quickly through countries, there are still many, many people that connect to the web through dial-up. For these people, every web page, javascript, and CSS file adds to their download time.

Enter snap{css}. Simply click on the “collapse” button on the status bar or in the menu, and voila! Extra whitespace is removed, useless line breaks are done away with, and properties are condensed to save space. You might not be able to tell the difference, but some of your visitors may thank you when you take your CSS document down in size from 20k to 10k.

screenshot of collapsed code

the beautify code function

So you thought you were done tweaking your code, so you collapsed it, but now you want to add another round of final revisions. Instead of reading through the crammed code, simply click the “beautify” button and your code will expand out into nicely formatted chunks. Your comments will still be there and your properties will be nicely indented for quick scans.

screenshot of beautified code download snap{css} now