Snap CSS Revision History

Snap CSS Revision History

version 2.1

The application was completely rewritten for the version 2 series. The updated software now includes the following features…

  • Ability to show and hide the line numbers
  • Users can change the font for the text area
  • Preferences are saved when the application closes
  • Our unique “code collapse” function is available
  • Our unique “code beautification” function is available

The following features should be available in our next release…

  • Print Preview
  • Print
  • Padding for the main text area
  • Search functionality
  • Restring pasted input to only text
  • Format text upon paste
  • The license that explains the open-source terms

download snap{css} now

Help develop snapcss

Help develop snapcss

help us to develop snap{css} do you know visual basic?

If you’re interested in helping us develop snap{css}, then please head to the download page and grab a copy of the source code. Please make a list of all the changes you make to the source code, then get in touch with the project leader (via our contact page) and send him the new files. download snap{css} now

Website Contribution

Website Contribution

thank you to those that contributed to the site

This website was made from scratch. That means that no code templates were used and no content management systems are installed. Also, the applications that you can download here were created from scratch as well. And that takes time and energy.

Web 2.0 style icons. Originally we had some horribly ugly icons on this site for the “download now” buttons. But thanks to the freely available icon set at we now have a bunch of shiny new icons to play with. Thank you, WebAppers for creating such a sweet set of icons, and allowing anyone to use them, royalty-free.